Tuesday, October 24, 2006

- N -

Dictionary of Latin Phrases and Proverbs: N

nemo liber est qui corpori servit
No one is free who is a slave to his body

nemo me impune lacessit
No one provokes me with impunity. (motto of the kings of Scotland)

non est vivere sed valere vita est
Life is not being alive but being well (life is more than just being alive)

non mihi, non tibi, sed nobis
Not for you, not for me, but for us

non semper erit aestas
It will not always be summer (be prepared for hard times)

non teneas aurum totum quod splendet ut aurum
Do not take as gold everything that shines like gold

nulli secundus /nulli secunda
Second to none

ne quid nimis
Nothing in excess.

nemo dat quod non habet
No one gives what he does not have.

non est ad astra mollis e terris via
There is no easy way from the earth to the stars.

ne plus ultra
Nothing further perfection

nil admirari
To admire nothing
(to be superior and self satisfied)

nil desperandum
Never despair

nolens volens
Whether he will or not

noli me tangere
Don't touch me

nolle prosequi
To be unwilling to prosecute

non compus mentis
Not of sound mind

nosce te ipsum
Know thyself

nota bene
Note well

noli intrare
Do not enter /keep out.

noli perturbare
Do not disturb


nullo modo
No way.

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