Tuesday, October 24, 2006

- M -

Dictionary of Latin Phrases and Proverbs: M

mirabile dictu

Wonderful to relate

mirabile visu

Wonderful to see

male sanus (male sana)


mendacem memorem esse oportet

It is fitting that a liar should be a man of good memory

(liars should have good memories)

mens sana in corpore sano

A sound mind in a sound body

minima maxima sunt

The smallest things are most important.

morituri te salutamus

We who are about to die salute you.

magnum opus

A great work

male fide

With bad faith treacherously

mea culpa

By my own fault

memento mori

Remember that you will die

meo periculo

At my own risk

meum et tuum

Mine and thine

modus operandi

Plan of working

modus vivendi

A way of living

multum in parvo

Much in little (present standard for the pug dog breed includes this phrase)

mutatis mutandis

With necessary changes

mutantur omnia nos et mutamur in illis

All things change, and we change with them

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