Tuesday, October 24, 2006

- V -

Dictionary of Latin Phrases and Proverbs: V

vade in pace

Go in peace (one of the Roman "goodbye" expressions).

veni vidi vici

I came, I saw, I conquered

(Julius Caesar's report of victory in 47 B.C. over Pharnaces, king of Pontus)

veritas vos liberabit

The truth shall make you free

victis honor

Honour to the vanquished

vincit qui se vincit

He conquers who conquers himself.

vir sapit qui pauca loquitur

That man is wise who talks little

(know when to hold your tongue)

vita non est vivere sed valere vita est

Life is more than merely staying alive

Vocatus atque

non vocatus

Deus aderit

Invoked or not invoked, the god is present

(Inscription on Carl Jung's tombstone,

Flutern Cemetery; Fluntern (Zurich, Switzerland))

Source: http://corsinet.com/braincandy/graves.html

verbum sat sapienti

A word is enough for a wise man.

via media

A middle course

vice versa

The terms being reversed


That is to say namely

vi et armis

By force and arms

virginibus puerisque

For girls and boys

viva voce

By the living voice (orally).

vox et praeterea nihil

A voice and nothing more

vox populi vox dei

The voice of the people is the voice of god



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