Tuesday, October 24, 2006

- S -

Dictionary of Latin Phrases and Proverbs: S

[Nomen] salutem plurimam dicit
[Name] sends many greetings (an official hello)

sapiens nihil affirmat quod non probat
A wise man states as true nothing he does not prove
(Don't swear to anything you don't know firsthand)

semper fidelis
Always faithful
(Motto of the United States Marine Corps)

semper paratus
Always ready
(Motto of the United States Coast Guard)

si fecisti nega!
If you did it, deny it (stonewall!)

si finis bonus est, totum bonum erit
If the end is good, everything will be good
(All's well that ends well)

si post fata venit gloria non propero
If glory comes after death, I'm not in a hurry
(If one must die to be recognised, I can wait)

stultorum calami carbones moenia chartae
Chalk is the pen of fools, walls (their) paper
(No Graffiti please. Apparently, graffiti is nothing new).

sumptus censum ne superet
Let not your spending exceed your income
(Live within your means)

sedit qui timuit ne non succederet.
He who feared he would not succeed sat still.

struit insidias lacrimis cum femina plorat.
When a woman weeps, she is setting traps with her tears.

satis verborum
Enough of words

sanun es?
Are you in your senses?

semper idem
Always the same

si vales, bene est, ego valeo
If you are sound, that is well; I'm sound (OR: if you are well, that is well, I am well)

sic transit gloria mundi
So passes away earthly glory

sic vis pacem para bellum
If you want peace prepare war

sine die
Without a day being appointed

sine qua non
Without which not an indispensable condition

status quo
The state in which things as they are now

Let it stand
(Do not delete)

sub judice
Under consideration

sub poena
Under penalty

sub rosa
Under the rose (privately)

sub specie
Under the appearance of

suggestio falsi
A suggestion of something false

sul generis
Of its own kind peculiar

summum bonum
The chief good

sursum corda
Lift up your hearts

scisne latine?
Do you know Latin?



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