Tuesday, October 24, 2006

- I -

Dictionary of Latin Phrases and Proverbs: I

ignis internum
The fire within

ipsa scientia potestas est
Knowledge itself is power.

in pace, ut sapiens, aptarit idonea bello
In peace, like a wise man, he appropriately prepares for war

The same.

id est
That is

in camera
In secret in a judges private room

index expurgatorius
A list of forbidden books

in excelsis
In the highest

in extenso
At full length

in extremis
At the point of death

infra dignitatem
Below ones dignity

in medias res
In the midst of things

in memoriam
In memory to the memory of

in re
In the matter of

in situ
In its original position

in statu pupillari
In the state of being a ward

integer vitae
Blameless of life

inter allia
Among other things

in toto

in vino veritas
There is truth in wine
(truth is told by him who has drunk wine)

ipse dixit
He himself said it

ipsissima verba
The very words

ipso facto
In the fact itself

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