Tuesday, October 24, 2006

- F -

Dictionary of Latin Phrases and Proverbs: F

fabas indulcet fames
hunger sweetens beans

faber est quisque fortunae suae
every man is architect of his own fortune

a comedy or farce

fabula Atellana
Atellan farce

fabula crepidata
Roman tragedy based upon Creek models

fabulae amatoriae
love stories, often with tragic plots

fabulae palliatae
cloak comedy, as of Plautus and Terence

facere sacramentum
to take an oath

facere totum
to do everything

facies non omnibus una nec diversa tamen
the features are not the same in all respects, nor are they different (Ovid)

facile est inventis addere
it is easy to add to things already invented

facile largire de alieno
it is easy to be generous with things of another person

facile omnes quom valemus recta consilia aegrotis damus
when we are healthy, we all have advice for those who are sick

facile princeps
easily first; number one in the field

facilis descensus Averno
the descent to hell is easy (Virgil)

facilius est multa facere quam diu
it is easier to do many things than to do one thing for a long time

facinus quos inquinant aequat
guilt equates all who share in guilt

facio ut des
I do so that you may give

facio ut facias
I do so that you may do

facit indignatio versum
indignation produces verse (Juvenal)

facta armorum
facts of arms

fact non verba
deeds not words; action not speeches

facta sunt potentiora verbis
facts are more powerful than words

one who does everything; handyman

factum est
it is done, it is complete

factum infectum fieri nequit
a thing done cannot be undone

factum probandum
the fact of a case to be proved

factum probans
facts tending to prove other facts

fac ut sciam
make me know; make me aware

faenum habet in cornu, longe fuge
he has hay on his horn, keep your distance (reference to a charging bull) (Horace)

faex populi
the dregs of the people; the rabble (Cicero)

fallacia consequentis
fallacy of the consequence

fallentis semitia vitae
the narrow path of a private life (Horace)

falsa demonstratio
false designation; erroneous description

falsa lectio
false reading; erroneous interpretation

falsi crimem
the crime of falsification

falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus
false in one thing, false in everything

fama clamosa
noisy rumor; public scandal

fama mala quo non aliud velocius ullum
there is nothing swifter than an evil rumor (Virgil)

famam extendere factis
to make known his fame by deeds (Virgil)

fama nihil est celerius
nothing is switter than a rumor

fama semper vivat
may his or her good name live forever

fama volat
rumor flies (i.e., travels fast) (adapted from Virgil)

fames optimum condimentum
hunger is the best seasoning

familiares regis
persons of the king's household

famosus libellus
a slanderous or libelous letter

farrago libelli
miscellaneous contents of a book

fari quae sentiat
to say what one feels (Horace)

fas est et ab hoste doceri
it is right to learn even from an enemy

calendar of events

fasti et nefasti dies

Fata obstant
the Fates willed otherwise

Fata viam invenient
the Fates will find a way

Fata volentem docunt, nolentem trahunt
the Fates lead the willing and drag those who are unwilling

fatua mulier
a foolish woman; a prostitute

favete linguis
favor with your tongue; say nothing bad lest you displease the gods (Horace)

fax mentis incendium gloriae
the passion for glory is fire for the mind

he or she made it

felicitas habet multos amicos
prosperity has many friends

happily; fortunately

felix culpa
fortunate fault

felix qui nihil debet
happy is he who owes nothing

felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas
fortunate is he who understands the causes of things (Virgil)

felo de se
one who kills himself doing an illegal act

ferae naturae
wild beasts; undomesticated animals

fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt
men readily believe what they want to believe (Julius Caesar)

ferrea non venerem sed praedam saecula laudant
the iron age celebrates not love but the acquisition of material possessions


fervens difficili bile tumet iecur
my liver (seat of passion) swells with burning wrath (Horace)

fervet opus
the work boils (Virgil)

fessus viator
tired traveler

festina lente
make haste slowly (Emperor Augustus)

let it be made

fiat Dei voluntas
may God's will be done

fiat experimentum in corpore
let one experiment on a body

fiat haustus
let a draught be made let

fiat justitia
let justice be done

fiat justitia, ruat caelum
let justice be done, even though the heavens fall

fiat lux
let there be light (Genesis)

fiat mixtura
let a mixture be made

fiat potio
let a portion be made

fiat voluntas tua
Thy will be done (Gospel of Matthew)

ficta voluptatis causa sint proxima veris
fictions should approximate the truth in order to please


made of pottery

fictio cedit veritati
fiction yields to the truth

fide et amore
by faith and love

fide et fortitudine
by fidelity and fortitude

fidei est coticula crux
the Cross is the touchstone of faith

Fidei Defensor (F.D.)
defender of faith (motto of the sovereigns of England since I lenry VIII)

fideli certa merces
to the faithful, reward is certain

fidelis ad urnam
faithful to the urn; faithful until death


fide, non armis
by faith, not by arms

fides ante intellectum
faith before understanding

fides, sed cui vide
trust, but watch out to whom

fides et justitia
faith and justice

fides et veritas
faith and truth

fides facit fidem
faith creates faith

fides non timet
faith does not fear

fides probata coronat
approved faith confers a crown

fides Punica
Punic faith; treacherous

fides servanda est
faith must be kept

fidus Achates
faithful companion (Virgil)

fidus et audax
faithful and courageous

fieri facias
writ authorizing execution of a judgment

figura causae
stylistic pattern of a speech

a son

filius est pars patris
a son is part of the father

filius nullius
son of nobody; bastard

filius populi
son of the people

filius terrae
son of the earth; a serf

finem respice
look to the end; consider the end

finis coronat opus fit via vi flagrante bello flagrante delicto
the end crowns the work a way is made by force in the midst of the war in the heat of the crime

flamma fumo est proxima
fire is very close to smoke __

fortes fortuna iuvat
Fortune favours the brave

fortiter in re, suaviter in modo
Resolute/unhesitant in action, gentle in manner.

fallaces sunt rerum species
The appearances of things are deceptive.

favete linguis
Favour me with your tongues (be silent)

flat justitia ruat coelum
Let justice be done through the heavens fall

flat lux
Let there be light

fidei defensor
Defender of the faith

flagrante delicto
The very act

Let it flourish

fons et origo
The source and origin


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